Africa Cancer Foundation Screening at Sinai

This past weekend, we were invited by the Africa Cancer Foundation for a health camp at Sinai in Viwandani, near Doonholm Estate.

Unlike the last screening, this one was more holistic, incorporating dental and blood-sugar, weight and height checkups and HIV tests, all for free!

BRCK provided the connectivity to transmit patient data to their cloud database, just like the last time. It is a very simple thing – being able to get online, access, and transfer data (and update social media pages) – but technology does not have to be complicated.

Pictures tell a better story, so here you go!

registration Registration

weight and height measurements Weight and height measurements

blood-sugar test station Blood-Sugar Test Station

BRCK co-founder Juliana Rotich taking one of the volunteers through the connection process

And we have lift-off! Data sent!

We also had BRCKs in the screening areas

A mobile ODT (optical detection technology) machine using a BRCK to send images and other screening information

If you would like to become a volunteer for the Africa Cancer Foundation, go to this page. To keep up-to-date with the organization, follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you would like to become part of initiatives such as this, visit and send us and email.